good deals in puerto rico
Now that we are officially “Puerto Rican consumers”, we can see firsthand how heavily the odds are stacked against them (us). It’s not enough that costs are naturally elevated […]
Continue reading »Now that we are officially “Puerto Rican consumers”, we can see firsthand how heavily the odds are stacked against them (us). It’s not enough that costs are naturally elevated […]
Continue reading »Mango season is getting underway here in Puerto Rico which means the roadsides are beginning to get littered with mounds of the tropical fruit. Holly and I are not […]
Continue reading »Here in Puerto Rico there are horses everywhere. We often hear people riding their horses past our condo on their way to the beach. We even used […]
Continue reading »2033. Eighteen years from now. That’s how long it will be until the next supermoon lunar eclipse. It hard to imagine where we will be […]
Continue reading »I don’t know what it is, but it really seems like the colors at dusk are more vibrant here. Perhaps it’s the Saharan dust or the […]
Continue reading »I started to write another post this morning about our first day in Puerto Rico (my goal is to write a post for this blog every […]
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