picture of december 1924 national geographic featuring puerto rico

a piece of puerto rico history

While rooting around for snorkel gear in my closet last week, the last thing I expected was to stumble upon a piece of Puerto Rico history. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what happened! I never did find a lanyard for my waterproof cam. Instead, I came across an old copy of National Geographic, featuring “Porto Rico”, that I had stashed away years ago.

A family member, who was an avid collector, graciously gifted this piece of history to me shortly after my move here and frankly, I forgot all about it. Glancing at the cover, I did a double-take when I saw December 1924exactly 100 years ago!

In honor of this centennial, I attempted to scan all of the Puerto Rico related pages one by one, so I could preserve and share. However, I quickly realized this old magazine wasn’t up the task, and would’ve completely fallen apart if I tried to force the issue!

puerto rico history

Thankfully, a quick search online revealed that someone else had already done a far better job than I could have. Please enjoy this slice of Puerto Rico history!

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